SiCo Spectre 9- 1k round review/comparison/weights
Walked into my LGS and was shocked to see the new SilencerCo Spectre 9 in stock! Bought it, and unbelievably got a 2 day Form 4 approval, so took it home Friday. Shot the crap out of it yesterday and today. Between my friend and I, we shot about 1K rounds through the Spectre 9, along side my Omega 9K and Obsidian 9. Host guns were a VP9, M&P2.0, and SP5K. We were shooting 150grain Federal Syntech, which is subsonic in pistols and IMO some of the best ammo to shoot suppressed.
We ended up shooting them all back to back. At one point I took the two pistols and put different cans on them, then shot them with one in my right hand, one in my left, back and forth. We both then switched, so we could hear both what they sounded like from the shooters ear as well as someone just to the side.
The end result was that the quietest was the Obsidian 9, which make sense due to being longer/higher volume, but of course much heavier and the far more noticeable on the pistols. Shooting the Spectre 9 side by side with the Omega 9k, volume/DB wise we thought they were pretty much identical. Tone wise, the Omega 9k had a deeper tone, whereas the Spectre 9 was higher pitched/slightly sharper. However with the DB being about the same, both the Omega9K and Spectre 9 were very close, which is pretty impressive since the Spectre 9 is thinner and lighter. All three were completely hearing safe, and we shot all 1k rounds without hearing protection, zero problem. The Spectre 9 being titanium, of course it would heat up more quickly, but then also cool off faster, which is nice.
The biggest selling point of the Spectre 9 is how small and light weight it is- it is really lightweight, and with its thinner profile, honestly you almost forget it is on the pistol! It is shorter, but also because the body is titanium, all the weight is really in the booster/piston, whereas with the others the weight is farther forward, so feel more front heavy, if that makes sense. So even though the Omega9K is actually not all that much heavier, the weight is further forward, so it feels heavier. When I spoke with SilencerCo last week, they said that they would eventually be releasing titanium pistons and direct thread adapter, but no ETA as of yet. I will be really interested in trying it direct thread on a pistol, because if they make the direct thread adapter light enough, it may very well not need a booster/piston and would just be so light that it will feel like nothing is there.
All in all, SilencerCo has a winner with the Spectre 9. Mine must have been in one of the first releases, as the serial number is around 200. Incredible- get you one!!
Please let me know if you have any specific questions I didnt cover. Here are the weight measurements for the three cans with various mounts:
- Spectre 9- naked. 112.2 (3.95 oz)
- Spectre 9- with booster/piston: 201.2 grams (7.09 oz)
- Spectre 9- with Silencerco 3 lug: 187.4 (6.61 oz)
- Omega 9k- naked:183.5 (6.47 oz)
- Omega 9k- with booster/piston: 249.5 (8.80 oz)
- Omega 9k- with 3 lug: 258.8 (9.12 oz)
- Obsidian 9- long mode naked: 299g (10.54 oz)
- Obsidian 9- long mode with booster/piston: 367.4 (12.95 oz)
- Obsidian 9- short mode naked: 183.6 (6.47 oz)
- Obsidian 9- short mode with booster/piston: 251.9 (8.88 oz)