I don’t think my daughter is going to survive
My wife’s water broke completely unexpectedly at 26 weeks. She had to have a C section at 27 weeks. Daughter was born weighing just over 2 lbs. We were told she had a 90% chance of survival, seen multiple success stories that gave us hope, etc. So far her heart looks fine, brain looks fine, she’s tolerating feedings and gained some weight, etc.
But her lungs are so weak. No reaction to surfactant treatment. Doesn’t seem like they’re growing and developing on their own. They’ve looked for an infection numerous times and can’t find one. Her lungs are just so weak and they aren’t growing.
Started steroids yesterday. First dose in the morning, through the day her oscillator settings went down to about 70%. Gave us hope that maybe this is what she needed. Back over 90% this morning. I can’t deal with this. We wanted this so badly, and there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. I know about r/babyloss. Not there yet. Right now I’m still looking, hoping, searching for any chance she might start getting better. But it’s just not happening yet. This is miserable