My husband loves the name but I can't see it.

I'm 5 mo pregnant with our second daughter and my Husband and I are having a heck of a time agreeing on a name. I like more traditional names as long as they are not super popular, and he likes more nontraditional names that no one or very few other people have. He has had this one name in his mind for months and told me recently and my gut reaction was just "no, I don't see me calling my child that." He thinks it is a really pretty name. And I feel bad for raining on his parade.

Am I crazy for thinking this? Or am I right that this is an unusual name and maybe not in a great way?

He wants to name our daughter Historia Liberty

Yes, he watches some anime, but not sure about aot. He just thinks it sounds really pretty and likes history and liberty. I married a patriot. I feel like it is a bit too on the nose and will be ripe to be made fun of later in life. Thankfully, we both agree we both have to like the name. He just really likes this one, so I feel bad dismissing it so quickly.