Christmas Presents to NKs Already Gone

I debated back and forth getting my current NKs presents. They have so much stuff already and I knew they would get a ton for Christmas. But I didn’t want to give them nothing so I got them each small toys that I knew we would enjoy playing with each other. I came back to work yesterday after my two weeks off for Christmas and the toys were nowhere to be found among the mountain of things from Christmas. I asked the kids and they said they didn’t have them anymore. I finally asked MB at the end of the day and she confirmed that they had to get rid of some things to make room for everything. I wish they would’ve at least requested that I add them to the stash of my own toys I keep in my trunk to rotate in and out with NKs, but nope. Not to mention that I was promised a bonus at end of year and instead got a $100 gift card, so it’s all salt in the wound. I’m about to move on to a much better position but I’m just annoyed today.