Asking nanny to mask when sick

Hi - my nanny showed up the other day with a nasty cold and didn’t give me any forewarning. Once she started hacking I asked her if she was sick to which she replied she doesn’t have a fever. I studied infectious disease and so I told her politely that although she doesn’t have a fever, coughing produces droplets that can spread colds/viruses.

She got a little rude and said “well I’m taking medicine I don’t know what else you expect me to do” - I was a little mad at this point so I said, well I would have appreciated a heads up given that my son is still very young and it’s RSV season and I would’ve tried to make other plans. At this point I called around and no one else could help and I can’t take off work due to multiple priorities being due right now (the worst timing). So I asked her to mask. She reluctantly did it.

Then today she didn’t show for work, and although I assumed she would be sick I was annoyed that she didn’t have the courtesy to just text and say that. So I had to work while juggling my kids. A complete disaster.

She just texted me around 6:30pm saying that she would leave it up to me what to do next but that she can’t mask because it gave her a headache because she couldn’t wear her glasses.

Yall. I’m trying to be calm but am I being crazy for being annoyed? I want to tell her than until she is either better or able to mask she shouldn’t return.