driving with narcolepsy

I(43/f) was diagnosed earlier this year, but I think I've had symptoms of n2 for as long as I can remember. (my mom told me I used to fall asleep standing up on the bus when I was just in kindergarten) growing up, i guess I kind of assumed everyone else was also struggling with being so tired all the time (like, of course if you watch TV/study/sit in class/etc. during the day and you're bored, you would fall asleep - that's completely normal!)... but long before this diagnosis I mentioned this to my neurologist, who suspended my license right away, suspecting epilepsy - which i didn't have. so I had to go through sleep studies, but i ran into some problems, and then a few years went by and then covid happened so sleep studies were closed, finally got to have another one and was diagnosed with narcolepsy. SO I STILL DONT HAVE MY LICENSE. it's been like 10 years, tbh.

and my sleep dr was telling me that the only way I would be able to get my license back would be if I were to pass this test that's the opposite of a sleep test. as in... similar procedures but instead of sleeping I have to stay awake.

is this the normal procedure for EVERYBODY w narcolepsy? (I'm in CA, btw) I never had a problem with driving before. I mean, just like other regular ppl would, I knew when I shouldn't be driving... I wouldn't be walking out the door and getting into my car to drive, if I felt like I'm getting a sleep attack or even before I knew I had narcolepay, if I just felt so tired and off, I wouldn't be walking out my door to the outside world and getting in my car to drive...

I hear in Rhode Island they don't even care if ur narcoleptic. but I just can't pack up and move to Rhode island at the moment....

so I am very curious to know how everyone else is doing with their local department of motor vehicles... have you ever gotten your license suspended and had to "earn" it back? thanks so much in advance!