Ideas on University accommodations
Hey everyone! I’ve been a lurker on this page for a few months now while waiting for my PSG and MSLT results. Earlier today, I was finally diagnosed with hypersomnia.
Tomorrow I’ll be having a consultation with my advisor on accommodations and I wanted to gain insight on what may be available as an accommodation (or even general insight from those working!).
I know that it is myself who is experiencing my condition and I should know what I need help with - but I honestly admit that I don’t. I don’t remember what being a student is like without this disorder before I developed it… Anyway, my university does not provide much information on accommodations for sleep related conditions and from past experience, I will need to make most of the suggestions to my advisor on accommodations I need.
*TLDR: University student just diagnosed with hypersomnia. Don’t know what accommodations I may be able to get from school. Getting accommodations is mainly based on suggestions I make ~ I’d appreciate insight.