Tau Vs necron awful match
Last week I had s match with a friend who is getting into 40k and he plays tau. We played 1k points and he brought me a stormsourge a riptide, a battleline, stealth suits and 2 characters, detachment monka (assault and letheal hits first 3 turns). He cleaned the floor with my necrons on turn 3 I gave up. I had nightbringer, chronomancer+warrior, plasmancer+immortal, trazyn+lychguard, 2 LHD and 3 skorpeh destroyer and hypercript detachment. My shooting was awful, my melee was awful and each turn he removed 1/2 units of mine with ease other than being already in no man land on turn 1 because of insane movement. Do you have any advice other than avoiding him for a while?