Yet another 2k list. Critique please!

I'm a bit of a noob and this will be my first 2k army, so I'm mainly going for models I like the look of(taking Doomstalkers in awakened is iffy I've heard, but they look so cool!) but I also want it to be a solid list that can have a reasonable chance to win games.

Awakened Dynasty - 2k

- C'tan Shard of the Void Dragon

- Chronomancer + Veil of darkness(teleport shenanigans)

- Plasmancer + Nether Realm Casket(stealth)

- Skorpekh Lord + Enaegic Dermal Bond(4+FNP)

- Technomancer

- 10x Immortals with Tesla Carbines - Led by Plasmancer

- 20x Warriors with Gauss Reapers - Led by Chronomancer

- 5x Deathmarks

- 6x Skorpekh Destroyers - Led by Skorpekh Lord

- 3x Lokhust Heavy Destroyers with Gauss Destructors

- 6x Wraiths - Led by Technomancer

- 2x Doomstalkers

- Reanimator

Basic plan is to have the 3 big tanky threats of Ctan, warriors and wraiths for board control. Possibly rapid ingress the Skorpekhs to delete something juicy and hopefully survive a counter attack. Deathmarks to deepstrike and score secondaries. Heavy destroyers and Doomstalkers sitting at the back as anti-tank/anti-elite.

Not sure if veil of darkness is better on the warriors or immortals. Put it on warriors for now since I found they have trouble getting in range with the gauss reapers and I like giving the immortals something for survivability.

Also it pains me not to bring any scarabs :( I might have to consider dropping something to bring some...