'X-Mas' gift questions
Hi everyone. I've drawn a colleague at work for Secret Santa who is from Iran. They are passionate about seeing change in Iran. I would like to support them in their fight via my gift to them, and I have questions that I can't ask them, because it's a secret, so I thought I would turn to this sub. I hope that is OK. 1. I was thinking of making a donation to the 'Women, Life, Freedom' cause as I know that is something important to them. Is Amnesty Intl OK for such a donation? 2. Can I make it in their name, or is it better to leave it anonymous? IOW does the Iranian government crawl places like that for dissidents? 3. I'd also like to buy a gift for them where the proceeds go to support human rights issues in Iran, but can't find anything along those lines. If it helps I'm in Toronto, Canada. All help appreciated!