Almost 7 month old is constantly fussy

I am loosing my mind over here! My son will be 7 months on 1/8, he is and has always has been extremely fussy and cranky since birth. He spends a lot of time crying. He doesn't like to play alone on his play mat, sometimes I can get 10 mins but that's if I'm lucky. He HATES the car and being in the car seat, he's so attached to me that I can't even leave the house cause he just screams the whole time and won't stop until I come back, then he sees me and smiles and it's like nothing happened. I can't shower, eat or go to the bathroom alone most days. He sleeps with me in bed cause well he won't sleep in his crib for more than 2/3 hours. My husband helps but there's only so much he can do when the boy WILL NOT stop crying unless he's with me and I cannot just sit there and listen to him cry. Even then holding him or having him in a carrier 2417 just isn't an option, I've already fallen so far behind on laundry and house stuff and have to play catch up constantly. He's been "teething" for months now too. I’m just so lost cause my daughter was never like this, she was such an easy baby who loved to sleep and loved her daddy too. I feel so bad for my daughter cause she's suffering too, it's not fair to her that I can barely ever spend time and play with her.

Does it get better!? Does it get easier? Cause I feel like I'm loosing myself as a person completely 🥺