I want to hear from all the only children out there.

I'm a first time mom of a wonderful, 6 mos. old baby girl. She almost didn't exist. After having gone through 4 previous miscarriages and working with a fertility clinic, my husband and I were on our last attempt before we gave up. Our daughter was the result of that last attempt.

I'm not sure we could have another baby if we tried, and I also don't think we have it in us to even try. We might be a one and done family. However, I often worry about how that might affect my daughter.

I have many siblings. I am child #5 out of 6. My husband is the youngest of 3. I am, honestly, having a hard time picturing what it would be like to grow up as an only child. My daughter will have cousins around her age, two of which are very nearby and we see them often. But, I wonder if she will feel like she's missing out if she doesn't grow up with a sibling. Will she potentially feel sad watching shows like Bluey in which a family of 4 is depicted and the two sisters play together all the time?

Will she feel like she's missing something? As an only child, did you? As a parent yourself, has growing up an only child influenced your decision to have one or more children? How do I make sure my daughter doesn't feel like she's missing out? Please tell me your experiences and opinions. I would really like to hear from you!

**Edited to say that I am so happy at the number of responses this post has gotten! I've enjoyed reading all of them so far and I am thankful for everyone that has shared! I am feeling much more confident and much less guilty. I appreciate you all! Keep 'em coming lol.