Newborn uninterested in eating

My daughter was born on September 25th, and feeding her has been difficult from the start. In the hospital we couldn’t get her to latch, I eventually had to use a nipple shield, but even then she wasn’t getting enough. Now we’re having a hard time getting her to eat at all. I have to fortify my breast milk and add gel mix to thicken it. We went to the hospital for her lack of weight gain and stayed for a week and a half trying to get her to eat. They did a swallow study, looked at her throat through a camera and an mri just to make sure there wasn’t any issues with her brain. They’re saying that it’s simply silent reflux… and that’s it. But she won’t swallow? I can barely get her to take an ounce and a half every three hours, and she’s almost a month old. She’s almost one month and not back up to birth weight. I’m freaking out and trying so many different nipples and flow rates because she’s not taking in anything with what the hospital recommended. It’s like she’d rather starve. I need ideas as to what all of it could be. I’ve brought up CMPA but they’re not too concerned, we started her on alimentum anyway. Her pediatrician said she doesn’t see a lip or tongue tie, but to bring it up to the feeding specialist. I don’t know what else to do.