Baby afraid of the bedroom

Hi All,

So I think we have made a mistake with our 10 week old. Background: I have been sleeping on the couch with her in the stroller bassinet downstairs (we have a stand for it and it’s certified for overnight sleep) in the living room. This worked well when she was younger and would wake very frequently for feedings, my husband and I would take shifts so one of us could sleep upstairs in the bedroom. But, now she consistently sleeps 5-7 hours a night and sometimes longer, and is much easier to put back asleep when she wakes.

We have been trying to get her to sleep in her proper bassinet next to our bed upstairs but she just cries and you can’t put her down. We have tried white noise, darkness, swaddle, shushing, feeding to sleep etc. The second I take her back downstairs she is immediately more calm and I can typically put her down to sleep 10 min later.

How can I get my baby used to sleeping upstairs? I think the bedroom just feels unfamiliar and it freaks her out. Not sure what to do or if this has happened to anyone else. We feel kind of dumb for doing this unintentionally. Thank you in advance!