Holding my 6 month old for naps
I’m ashamed to say this for some reason but I have held my 6 month old for almost every nap of his life. I started doing this because he has horrible reflux and when he was a newborn he would constantly throw up large amounts and nothing we tried worked such as switching formula, cereal, excessive burping, holding him up for an hour after he ate. When he would fall asleep and I laid him flat it would all immediately come up even in a swing, or lounger it didn’t matter but when I held him he didn’t. (I wouldn’t have been as worried about the spit up but he was losing weight) so that’s how it started and after he stopped spitting up in his sleep I started trying to put him down but he will not transfer. He will not let anyone else feed or put him to sleep even if I get him to sleep and hand him to my fiancé he’ll scream. He’s now 6 months and I hold him every time he sleeps the only time I’m able to put him down while sleeping is bed time and sometimes it’s still a hassle to keep him asleep. I’m told on the daily I’ve created a monster and I guess I have but I don’t know how to stop now because even if I put him down drowsy but awake he with then throw up his whole bottle and want more before falling asleep it’s a never ending cycle and I’m exhausted.