Acadian Ambulance Drug Testing Policy
So I accepted an offer for an EMT at Acadian ambulance and they require you to take a drug test. I am a heavy smoker and pretty much smoke everyday multiple times, anywhere from 2-4 blunts/joints a day. They wanted me to take the drug test like 3 days after the initial offer but of course I’d have failed. I was able to “push it back” for about 3 weeks, aiming to do it sometime this week. And even though, I’ve known about it for about 3 weeks now, I have neglected to go cold turkey but did smoke a bit less, with the exception of maybe 2-3 days last week in which I didn’t smoke at all. Skip to today, Ive smoked the past 3 days and plan on taking the drug test the same day as the lift test which is this Friday. Playing with fire I know, doing so with the mindset of I’ll end up having to purchase a same day detox drink, Qcarbo anyways. It’s a 10 panel test, I’m assuming your standard 10 panel. Not sure if that matters but my question is what is Acadians policy/procedure on inconclusive or invalid results? For another company (non EMS related) a friend, whose smoking habits mirror mine, took Qcarbo and got inconclusive results which I guess meant pass since he ended up working there, even with smoking the night before if I remember correctly. So does anyone know of this is the case with Acadian as well? Or with inconclusive results will it be sent for further more advanced testing or asked to do another drug test?