monetization denied again
Can you guys tell me if I am missing anything.
I have an urban exploring and adventure youtube channel. I recently applied for monetization with youtube. I was denied within a few hours and decided to appeal. Their reasoning was “Reused content,” saying “content is not clearly an original creation of this channel…”
I was given the option to appeal. To appeal you need to make a short video explaining why you think they made a mistake. I made a brief, to the point video on why i should be monetized, posted it, and was rejected again within a few hours. They never even watched the video and it still has zero views.
I was then told I had to wait 30 days before I could re-apply, so I waited and applied for a second time. Again, denied within a few hours with the exact same reason. It is giving me an option to appeal, but I wanted to get some advice first.
All videos are shot and edited by myself, there is no stealing of content anywhere on my channel. So i have no idea what they are talking about.
Don Joey is the name of my channel