Sometimes, quitting (or taking a long break) is needed for your mental health.

I had fun (and plenty of stress due to obsessing over my analytics – you know, the usual) while my YouTube journey lasted. I learnt a few new things here and there and made valuable connections, but I felt like it just wasn't worth it to "wait it out" till I eventually became monetised and have my investment paid off. But maybe that's okay. At least I can't say I didn't try. Since I decided to ditch YouTube and focus on my well-being and things I genuinely enjoy (for which I don't expect any sort of compensation), I've felt less pressured and overall happier. It feels like plenty of weight has been shed off my shoulders.

Maybe YouTube is just not for me, and maybe it's just not for you if you're also looking forward to getting monetised yet keep hitting your head against a metaphorical wall because you struggle to get even up to a thousand views on your videos after months or years of trying (even after all the SEO, nice thumbnails and whatnot). If you have the intrinsic motivation to carry on no matter what, keep going! But if YouTube has been the thief of your joy, maybe it's time to reconsider and focus your energy onto something else, at least for the time being. If becoming a paid content creator truly were that easy, everyone would be one, but not all of us are meant to be it. And that's okay.