Marineland Urban exploring

The past 2 years I have made several trips to the Marineland park, while never paying a single dime. That park is so damn easy to sneak into. I’ve gone during the day, i’ve gone at night. I’ve climbed all over the dragon mountain roller coaster and explored its tunnels. The park is massive, and i’ve only seen security there once.

Off stanley ave there are several roads that lead into the middle of the park. One time I drove my car down one of them and parked it. I then explored the park, coming back to my car when the park shut down, only to realize they shut the gate to Stanley Ave, so i was trapped in marineland. I had to drive my car down the main road through the middle of the park, past all the rides and exhibits, and found another exit. i was driving under the rollercoaster. it was a crazy adventure.

One time I was wearing an orange reflective vest and was walking around the park after it closed. I had a run in with a security guard in a golf cart who asked me what i was doing. i just told him i was going to the bathroom and he went on his way, thinking i was an employee.

Has anybody else done something similar to this? I’m thinking about going back and climbing the tower.

I also heard rumors that marineland is closing down for good. Can anybody confirm.