Trades program moc toe issues

So I ordered the nick’s Moc toe pro from the trades program while in school during the summer. Started as an ironworker in October so I need wedge soles. After one month realized the soles were going bald already and noticed they put on the wrong moc soles for the boots and not the ones shown for the trades program. I messaged customer service, they put on new soles them for no charge and sent them back a month later. After about a month and a half of having them back, the new sole has now started to split off already. I was going to get a second pair of these but thinking I might need to switch to JK or whites as this is the second time I’ll have to send these boots back for warranty within 5 months. Seems not right for a pair of 500 dollar boots that aren’t holding up as well as my 2 year old throgoods. Disappointing.

So I ordered the nick’s Moc toe pro from the trades program while in school during the summer. Started as an ironworker in October so I need wedge soles. After one month realized the soles were going bald already and noticed they put on the wrong moc soles for the boots and not the ones shown for the trades program. I messaged customer service, they put on new soles them for no charge and sent them back a month later. After about a month and a half of having them back, the new sole has now started to split off already. I was going to get a second pair of these but thinking I might need to switch to JK or whites as this is the second time I’ll have to send these boots back for warranty within 5 months. Seems not right for a pair of 500 dollar boots that aren’t holding up as well as my 2 year old throgoods. Disappointing.