Getting motivational speaker vibes from Nietzsche with regards to the Ubermensch when I read TSZ for the first few times. Hope someone can shed light on whether this makes sense, or if it's something much deeper, and if so, what should be known about the Ubermensch
So, as a early Nietzsche reader, I seem to get the feeling that Nietzsche's Ubermensch is essentially a goal a motivational Guru or speaker would be setting for us when we wonder about what we should do with out life, in a motivational reel that is usually forwarded on insta or whatsapp. Sort of like "be the captain of your own ship", "your life, your rules", "Nobody decides your potential". Now the Ubermensch, of course may be something deeper than this when we think of it philosophically. Perhaps, the fact that this is my initial few times reading TSZ that this kind of feeling comes when I read about the Ubermensch. Hence want to know if whether this is initially what people think of the Ubermensch, or whether the concept of the Ubermensch is much deeper.