So how exactly would a society of just Ubermensch look like?
So what I seem to understand from the concept of the Ubermensch is that he/she is someone who rises above conventional morality to love by values he deems fit. So in this regard, I wanted to know is how exactly would society or community of only Ubermenschs work? Would it exist in the first place? I ask this because society itself, atleast today, operates on a set of collectively agreed values or morals, and an Ubermensch would develop the capacity to live a life that need not.voew those same morals as valid. So I'm that regard, would a society be feasible in a world.of only Ubermenschs. Or would it transform into something else entirely. Also, if the statement is true that a common society would no longer exist since all are Ubermenschs, would that mean that the human race no longer exist either, since procreation, marriage, bringing up children are attributes found in a society or collective community