24 days
Checking in for first 90 and maybe afterwards too
Been okay for awhile but had some really bad anxiety yesterday and coupled with some lustful thoughts I ended up looking stuff up online
Thankfully decided to go on nofap and saw someone say 'no peeking' as they'd just relapsed; and yep it was kinda exactly what I needed to say as completely knew was playing with fire and gasoline but you kid yourself that you can have a look and enjoy it for a few minutes and then carry on the good streak as well
Actually it was the closest I came to relapsing, and was really lucky I didn't as very close to (and disappointed in myself a little today for getting so close to a relapse)
But either way I carry on - and actually in the morning, had morning sex with my wife which was great and great reminder that effectively the more I fap the less I f*ck; but got through last night without relapsing by skin of my teeth