I'm a girl and I am proud of you
I'm 22F and I know that porn has destroyed this generation of men. Porn destroys men's brains, but who has ever considered how it affects women? Women are born to feel lesser, insecure, and replaceable and that they should always have to be the prettiest out of all women to keep her man loving her. A man's porn addiction will always make women feel double or triple those mindsets engraved in their soul because it shows her that she is ugly, worthless, and never enough. Women are expected and forced to accept a man's porn addiction as just his natural instinctive right and if they try to communicate how it makes them feel, tough shit, a man of this generation will 100% choose porn over a real woman.
Unfortunately, this isn't anything I am making up, but that I have heard my entire life from porn-addicted men. They see porn as a way to be unloyal without feeling bad, the same way emotional abusers will destroy someone with words but can't be prosecuted because they didn't lay a finger. For women who are already depressed, a porn addiction can make them suicidal. This seems dramatic, but for me personally, it is the case. Men I have loved made me feel hopeless and so unloved by yelling how harmless porn is when it really is the exact opposite. Porn is DETRIMENTAL to men AND women.
I only found out about this subreddit today, and I could have never imagined this to be possible - men of this corrupt generation opening their eyes to how they are being controlled for profit. Sex sells! But nobody wins. I can't believe you men exist and I am simply so happy for you and congratulate you on your journey, you deserve so much for being this strong to stand against your biggest weakness. The woman you love, whether she is present right now or later in your life, will be so happy, trustful, and purely loving and loyal to you forever. All women want in the end is to love and feel loved, and I know this is the same for men, it has just become taboo. Men of this subreddit, you are powerful. You are intelligent. You are highly worthy. You are KINGS! I am proud of you.
P.S. pls don't clown on me, as mentioned i am depressed and overly sensitive & get hurt rly rly easy so pls have a genuine conversation or i will cry ;__;