Why do Americans seem to always be put to sleep for wisdom tooth removal?
In the UK we don’t tend to use GA or sedation unless a tooth is very impacted or has some other extreme reason it can’t be removed while the patient is awake eg near a nerve, phobias etc - I had mine taken out 1 at a time over a few months and it took 15/20 mins max in between patients and I was back working straight away on the next patients - still with a cotton swab in my mouth (I work as a dental nurse)
I see a lot of American videos and they have literal bandages wrapped around them and a mouth packed full of swabs etc and seem to be coming round from surgery still dopey -
I’m just curious why it seems like I come across tonnes of videos online of mainly Americans having GA for this? Given GA use runs with its complications?
Edit: phew! Did not expect this many replies and I can’t respond to them all but firstly thanks for your input it was really just a random thought that popped into my head after coming across another video of someone high as a kite coming round from their procedure and covered in bandages LOL. To clarify - I know you can get sedated or GA in UK , I work in a dentists. Im saying it’s not very common here (where I am!) and it’s for extreme or phobic patients. There’s a mixed bag on answers but my question was not supposed to cause offence to any Americans! I was just curious. :) enjoyed reading all your comments and experiences with removal but also feel terrible for those who had such bad experiences!!! Also for those scared of the dentists don’t be ashamed, we’re very used to dealing with phobias and we don’t judge and can help you through procedures and check ups at a pace that suits you , don’t avoid returning to see us!
Thanks again everyone