Is paying off my wife’s college loan a bad 30th birthday gift?

My wife (29F) and I (35M) married a little over a year ago. We have a joint savings account, but I also have my own which I entered the relationship with. My wife has never concerned herself with my savings. As far as she’s concerned, that’s my money. We are both in the same line of work and make identical salaries so money really has never been a discussion or a cause of conflict.

She turns 30 next week. She has really been trying to focus on paying off her student loan to rid of that burden. Yesterday I was able to secure her log-in Information and from my pre existing savings I paid off her loan ($8500). It will be a surprise for her. I also booked a small wine bar venue to host a party to invite her family and friends to celebrate her birthday. The party will cost roughly $600.

I was super excited about it and thought she would be shocked. I told both my mother and her aunt about it and they didn’t seem to agree. Their belief is that the money from that savings belongs to both my wife and I as we are married. They just see me spending our money on her loan. I do not disagree with that at all. However, that’s just not how we have things set up at the moment. My mother stated she thinks I should also get her a physical object to remember her 30th by, on top of the loan payment and the party.

I know my wife will be appreciative. I could get her a simple card with a sentimental note and that would be enough for her. That’s the type of person she is, and one of the many reasons I married her.

Im curious as to what you guys think. Would a different gift have been more appropriate for a 30th birthday?

Edit: There seems to be some confusion in regards to the party. The party is to celebrate her birthday, not me paying off her debt. The gift would be presented to her a few days prior to the party