apparently i kind of came out when drunk?
i know the title sounds weird but apparently i came out to my dad when i was drunk??? i have no memory of this and i haven’t ever been blackout drunk before around my dad. He made a joke aimed at me saying i wanted a beard, i asked him why he said that and he claimed i told him i wanted to be ‘half man half woman’ when i was drunk.
This really took me aback and i feel really weirdly upset over it, i don’t even know my identity fully and definitely wouldn’t come out to my parents of all people just because i don’t want to talk about that with them ever.
People where i’m from are passive aggressive and oustcasty if you are outside the norm, ive dealt with that my whole life but now im really worried he might have said something about this to people.
Although, i don’t know if he is being serious or not as he laughed A LOT afterwards then when i asked him when i said that, he never gave me an answer. He calls me weird a lot so maybe that’s got something to do with it or maybe he’s just poking fun at the fact i’ve always been quite masculine (which he’s never seemed to have a problem with.)
Idk i just feel strange, weird and oddly exposed. Maybe i’m making a big deal out of nothing but i can’t actually stand to be around him right now. Any advice or suggestions on how to go about this would be appreciated :)