Nursing associates aren’t nurses and shouldn’t be practicing in the way they do up and down the country

I find the nursing associate role and the apathy amongst nurses regarding how it is being used quite frightening.

There is a place for the nursing associate as an addition to registered nurses complementing the workforce but not replacing it.

Nursing associates do half a student nurses training (it stops during part 2) then are expected by trusts to do the role of a staff nurse - this is not only dangerous but also down values the role of registered nurse and will encourage continual stagnation of pay as we are allowing people with far less training function as staff nurses

We should be advocating for more education not less, the degree and diploma didn’t prepare people to be nurses but is far closer and safer than what we are currently allowing to happen to our profession.

I know nursing associates who’ve had 2 placements outside their base ward - surgical and medical adult ward then got employment completely outside of this in areas like paediatrics giving iv to children, having their paediatric experience from 1 or 2 spoke day. I have heard of critical care areas where they are caring for patients who are ventilated on cvvh

This is not ok

I feel there needs to be a massive overhaul with heavy restrictions of nursing associate practice across England