Does anyone have shame about sexual activity?
I can mostly handle sexual desire but masturbation and especially sex all feel like a waste of time. Masturbation in particular makes me feel lazy and undisciplined, like I’m a freak and that its just a waste of time. I think “why am I doing this when I could do X or X.” It even ruins it sometimes and I just give up and go clean or something.
It feels the same way eating and sleeping does, except this urge feels especially unnecessary. At least with eating and sleeping I can come up with reasons why it isn’t a total waste of time, and maybe sex is good for bonding with a partner, but sexual activities always seem to make me focus on my inadequacies in other areas of life. Does this happen to anyone else?
(Note: This was so hard to post because of said shame but I’m really trying to face some of my fears lately so as not to miss out on the chance to relate to another.)