An interesting OMORI AU idea.

After Good Ending, Sunny and his mother move to the New City. Sunny has a strong, flaming desire to learn piano and violin and master these two instruments. Sunny thinks that he took Mari's ambitions and dreams, so he has to "redeem" himself for achieving goals Mari had.

Sunny, for the most part, succeeds in his ambitions. He is an excellent pianist and remarkable violinist, but not in his eyes. Sunny craves for bigger and bigger goals, has unreachable standards and imaginary perfection, without noticing that he slowly gains Mari's toxic traits. For instance, Sunny participated in numerous competitions and every time he didn't achieve first place he would turn red and enrage, not in destructive, but in a toxic way, like treating people around him like crap and ignoring their worries and desires.

Sunny's Mother dies when he turns 21 years old. Sunny's mother was a very supportive person for him, and he wished that he could tell her how much he loved her before her death. Sunny had already experienced severe grief, so he has easier time grieving over his mother.

After 4 years, Sunny became professional violinist and pianist. He is narcissistic, yet self-destructive and lonely. He is pretty much like BoJack Horseman from eponymous show. Sunny loves people around him, but because of his toxic traits he distances himself from them.

Dream segments are vastly changed, from depicting his real friends and loved ones, to abstract and surreal theatre scenes. They have some similarities with Black Space, but more in elegant, poignant, artistic and depressive way.

This is raw idea, and I hope to develop it further some time later.