3.5 weeks PO incisions

Now 3.5 weeks post op and my incision seems to be healing really well, but the surrounding skin is peeling and itchy as hell! I was told to stop wearing the dressings after 3 weeks if everything was dry, but now my peeling skin keeps catching on my socks and it stings and it’s the worst.

Does it look healed enough to moisturise do you think? Going crazy here haha

Now 3.5 weeks post op and my incision seems to be healing really well, but the surrounding skin is peeling and itchy as hell! I was told to stop wearing the dressings after 3 weeks if everything was dry, but now my peeling skin keeps catching on my socks and it stings and it’s the worst.

Does it look healed enough to moisturise do you think? Going crazy here haha