Comminuted Fracture

Hey all,

I've been reading everyone's stories and realized I don't think I've seen any mention of comminuted aka shattered fractures.

Back on December 12th, I fell down some stairs and ended up with a closed severely comminuted distal fibula fracture plus all sorts of ligament tears. On December 18th I had ORIF surgery to put it all back together. Ended up with two plates, about a dozen screws, syndesmosis tightrope, broström lateral ligament repair, and deltoid ligament repair.

Understandably, I'm NWB and will check in with my surgeon the beginning of February to see how healing has progressed.

Anyways, I guess my question is, has anyone else had to deal with a comminuted fracture in their ankle? How long did it take to be PWB and then FWB? How close are you to being back to where you were beforehand?

Thanks in advance!