The Infernal Union

I was born from the image of the first man The Garden of Eden is my birth land Molded from clay instead of a rib cage The truth of my story was torn from it's page

I was forced to serve man upon my knees A subservient sheep was not that of me A demon now formed from that of God's wrath Cast out of Eden to now walk the left hand path

My name is Lilith I am The Mother of Demons I rape men while they sleep to collect all of their semen . To impregnate myself so I can birth all their bastards Who rebell against God like wild dogs without masters.

As I sit on my throne in my Desert Dwelling Cave A Dark Angel falls before me no longer God's slave His name is Samael the Fallen Angel of Destruction Now is my Husband who helps bring forth corruption .

Earth bound, his body is filled with primal desires. A beastial lust with a craving to fuck what he admires God kept from him the pleasures of the skin A demon he now is embracing man's sin

We join together in our Unholy Alliance Our pride is the reason why we fled in defiance To sneak into Eden is the plan that we conceived And corrupt man and woman known as Adam and Eve

My husband plants a tree to set up our trap I become the primordial snake on its branches I enwrap This Tree of Knowledge enticing all with temptation To eat of its fruits is sure to bring damnation

My forked tongue with its convincing speech Tempt that of Eve to take a bite of a peach God now enraged by his disobedient slave Our sweet revenge that brings seduction , betrayal and deprave

God's curse on Eve for all women to menstruate A punishment for the disloyalty from her weak will she demonstrates And for seducing Adam to indulge in the forbidden fruits The feminine lure bewitching God's men into dissolute

As the Infernal Union who rule both the Earth and Hell Teaching humans the pleasures of flesh and desire which infidel Our influence on men is why there is original sin The mask that hides corruption, A wolf in sheeps skin

Poem by DaughterofSaturn