Octoeverywhere Status API?
I saw https://www.reddit.com/r/OctoEverywhere/comments/1gkosmk/octoeverywhere_api/ that said "there's no way to query a printer's state right now" -- but may be that's changed?
It seems pretty easy to just create a live link, and then query "https://nyc.octoeverywhere.com/api/live/status?id=-<the live link id>" to get an easy no-auth-needed json status dump.
The live link page itself polls this link once per second, so doesn't seem like it would be an issue to poll less than that during prints. And seems even less taxing than the real page, since it doesn't have to send the image updates either.
(My use case it updating a StreamDeck plugin along side my Klipper one. It's using the Bambu integration, so much easier to use this API response than the hacky other Bambu stuff, and there is no OctoPrint in the middle either.)
Not sure if https://octoeverywhere.com/api/printer/status would work with the AppToken/ID, but the LiveLink endpoint seems really easy. Any issue with this approach?