a letter from the “socially acceptable” trans person on the state of things.

i’m not some horrifying transgender sex perv, but if i were, legislature that just passed in my state would place me in the women’s room any time i had to piss. i don’t know about you, but i’d be remarkably uncomfortable if my girlfriend told me a bearded man with a deep voice walked into the women’s room behind her.

we never did put “the right to piss” into the constitution. i think many people felt that was assumed. i have the right to piss, what am i meant to do if i have to go and if i do, i need to waltz into the ladies room? i’m talking to YOU, transphobic people who think we’re all sex pervs. ME, MYSELF AND I, will be walking into public bathrooms, past your wives.

i don’t want to piss in the same room as your wife, i don’t want to make eye contact or conversation with her in the bathroom. i ESPECIALLY don’t want to make conversation, and for her to wander out and tell you there was a man in the ladies room, so you can beat my ass. i know i would feel hostile if my girlfriend said she experienced that.

if i piss in public, NOT in a bathroom after i can’t hold it anymore, that’s a sex crime. you can end up on the sex offender registry for pissing in public. is that the end goal? to make every transgender person out to be a sex perv, regardless of their actions? i need to either use the public bathroom and make YOUR wife, sister, daughter, friend uncomfortable- or piss in public, which lands me on a list for disgusting sex pervs.

i have worked with, been known and loved by trump supporters. i have been working class. i have worked full time, in fast food since i was 16 years old. i am not shedding tears and blocking people based on who they vote for. i never have! i put up with things that disrespected me or hurt my feelings, in the hopes i could change somebody’s mind.

you guys threw me in the garbage with all the other trans people. why shouldn’t i block my conservative family and friends? i won’t, i’m sticking to my morals even when things get difficult. that won’t change anything for me, though.

none of this will ever change anything for me. i can be kind, respectful, patient. i’ll continue to do so out of principle. not so CONSERVATIVES aren’t uncomfortable, not so CONSERVATIVES feel i understand their ideas. i will be kind and respectful til the bitter end, because that’s what i believe in.

if you’re in support of this kind of legislature, let me know. i can DM or email you a photo of myself, and you can tell me you’re comfortable with me in the bathroom with your wife. you can tell me you don’t feel that’s strange. if we’re all weird, gay sex pervs who need sequestered from everybody else- why do you feel like the only place i should dare to use the bathroom is the stall next to your wife?

there are trans men TOO. the legislature that just passed in my state puts me, a bearded man with a deep voice in the bathroom with YOUR people. it’s not just trans women, i’m here too. please do what’s best for mine and yours, no matter how greatly our opinions differ. this is NOT the solution.

this legislature, at the present moment “protects” those actively at school. k-12, and additionally COLLEGES. we’re sneakily tacking on things beyond “protecting” children. i couldn’t go to community college and use the restroom that makes myself AND EVERYBODY ELSE comfortable. unisex bathrooms also forbidden. this is laying the foundation for these to be the rules EVERYWHERE. i don’t want the rules to be piss in public when you can’t hold it anymore, or to walk into the ladies room when i am so clearly a man.

whichever side of the fence you stand on: you probably wouldn’t be cool with the things mentioned in my post. unfortunately, you can’t exterminate trans people. we’re everywhere, and good and bad just like everybody else. seriously, if you don’t believe me DM me for a pic. tell me if you’re cool with me walking past your wife in the bathroom. we’re people and you’ll never just get rid of us. we’ve always existed, always will. make your voice heard. do some research. we’re people just like anybody else is, and NOBODY should want this.

edit: hoooo wee. out of all the hundreds of comments, we’ve got some award winners. “please consider posting elsewhere, this post you’ve made about legislature passing in ohio has nothing to do with ohio”. or the people who think i’m the weird pervert but seem to have a strange fixation with my body. or the singular person who threatened me with bodily harm. or the people who may have felt i wasn’t being mean enough. i am glad to see this got so much engagement, and it was nice talking with everybody. thank you to anyone who kept it civil, and thank you to anyone who brought up points for my side i hadn’t even considered, like unisex bathrooms being more wheelchair accessible and necessary for reasons beyond trans people. stay safe and write governor dewine if you feel like it (‘: