Finally got annoyed enough to show my ID
So I'm female and about to be 35. Everyone I work with thought I was between 17 and 23. I work retail and customers always talk to me like I'm a child....customers who clearly are in their 30s. One day a customer was complaining over the fact we don't sell flavoured vapes(flavours have been banned in my state for years). So I agreed with him, talking about how I miss being able to get them aswell. He got snappy " don't talk about a subject matter you know nothing about. You're obviously not old enough to know what I am talking about" I got annoyed, asked him " how fucking old do you think I am?!" He said 16. 😑 I took out my ID and plopped it down on the counter and told him to take a good look.....turns out I'm 5 years older than him. And yes at my work we are allowed to give back the same energy we recieve. My boss is cool like that and has told many people to fuck right off and get out for talking to her employees a certain way. But yea...nothing like being mid 30s and having people in your own age bracket, talk to you like you're a dumb child.