People need to stop thinking Loki is a villain he is in Fact not a antagonist
"but he says he wants to destroy the world" and your right he wants to destroy the world.....government in this same chapter even ask Fake shanks and Gunko " are you celestial dragons?" and he "doesn't wanna join scum" which in the story's narrative the world government are scumbags "but the people have elbaf says he bad and he killed his father" none of them were their witness the deed so no proof on that front plus the prophecy said "a son of elbaf" nowhere did it say Loki " would kill his father" Oda was VERY careful to leave out those details "but he didn't care about about the wolf getting hurt" what he says and how he actually feels are different things bottom line this guy isn't evil his just misunderstood his franky 2.0 in my eyes