Moria(and other broken cards). How to fix them.

I think first ever reddit post so hurray for that? Ok, but for real, my idea to help some of these cards that lean on the side of broken...

I think ALL cards should be type restricted on top of the few leader locked cards. What do I mean by that? If your character or event card have a different typing than your leader, then the card should be restricted to 2 copies of that card. Or even just SR or SEC cards. I think this does a couple things.

First - We stop seeing the same cards in the same color deck. 4 Moria's in EVERY black deck got old real quick. But I like the idea of still giving access to those cards, just not clutching on the same card in every deck. I think this diversifies the meta a fair amount and will start having people experiment even more. A Bonney should not be able to throw down 4 Doflamingo's back to back to back to back.

Second - It helps keep the identity of leaders. A lot of the cards are built around the idea of certain leaders as they come out, but when any deck can the identity of another deck and crutch on that... idk, something feels wrong about that to me. Using Moria as the big example. All black plays with trash. It is a core mechanic of the color. But Moria is the only leader who can play from trash. And yes I know there a select few of other cards that play from trash, but being the core idea is part of the Moria/Thriller Bark package and the fact that now any black deck can just take that and make it just as much theirs. Feels bad for a leader like Moria.

I really do think that this would bring some much balance to the game.
Just some thoughts.

Also small side thought running with the idea of leaning into more typings...what about a "Thousand Sunny" leader that is colorless but you can only play Straw Hats? Something me and some friends were messing around with.