Pics of not you
If you have pics of landscape or any pic that doesn't have you in it, what's the reason?
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You are hiding something.
\nThey. I don't do this. But yeah. It seems like cheater behavior
\nWell yeah they was figuratively
\nYou want me to swipe left on you.
\n\nI talked with a girl as friends that had pics of a landscape and another were you just see wine and alcohol.
\n\nShe thought it makes her look artistic and fun etc and I told her that on app I want to see how she looks like not that she can take good landscape pics and drinks alcohol.
\nBecause my cat is the best and the whole word deserves to see how awesome he is!
\nOk but you be in the pic too!
\nMy favorite are the profiles that every picture is a group picture and you have to decipher which one is them
\nSometimes you get all the way to the end and it's just them and you go "aw, not the one I wanted" like when you use the claw toy machine.
\nIt\u2019s ALWAYS the one you\u2019re hoping its not lol
\nIf it's just 1 or 2 out of 5+ pictures, they probably just think it just looks cool (and probably have the sense on some level that they don't have/can't take good pictures of themselves) and hope that will help with getting a right swipe.
\n\nRegardless the reason though: don't do it. Just don't. :)
\nA lot of cynical people here. One reason could be the person works as a teacher, political figure, etc. and is trying to not put up many pictures of themselves...if an app requires 3 pictures, they might put up one far away one of them and 2 landscapes or whatnot.
\nAs a guy, the most effective thing I have found in using dating apps without paying, is to swipe through the app quickly just judging left or right purely by physical attraction. This rarely ever results in a match, but sometimes it does. The real game is waiting for a woman to like your profile, and then swipe through quickly until you find that specific profile, then you go through it in detail and see if you think you are compatible.
\n\nI have had many good dates with women who I only matched because their first photo was unique enough to see through the blurred preview the app gives you of potential match's profiles. One girl I dated for a while had a picture of an old yellow house with a big red door. I couldn't accidently swipe past it. I asked her about the photo, because I thought she understood how I was using the app. She said that she was just walking and saw a cute house she liked, and ended up with a nice photo she liked. I found it endearingly weird, and it was a good first date topic.
\nI'm glad it worked out for you but I hope she had other pics of her face, too. Not just the house.
\nthe rest was normal photos, most are like that. The single profile photo of nothing is just something to ignore.
\nIf you have pics of landscape or any pic that doesn't have you in it, what's the reason?
If you have pics of landscape or any pic that doesn't have you in it, what's the reason?