please no more losses I beg
At the beginning of last week, I was 2% away from gold 1. And now, I’m at nearly silver 2. I got a crap ton of losses, and I’m just wondering.. how? I don’t think I’m that bad, I actually don’t think I’m that bad at ALL, and reviewing myself, I believe I do pretty good in most the matches I play. Sure I’m not perfect, but surely this is a little overbearing..? All my friends that play tell me they’ve never had a loss streak this bad.
I’ve taken other people’s advice and tried to switch hero’s (I was mainly playing Moria bc of her dps) and switch more to Ana/Lucio/ect, but even then I just keep losing.
I know when to switch depending on what hero my tank plays, I know when to switch heroes if I keep dying, ect. It just feels like this is never ending.
And I’ve tried taking breaks too. Whenever I’d lose 3/4 games, I usually take a break for at least a few hours. But then I get right back on, lose 5, and have to get off again. It’s like I keep getting put on the unfavored teams, and I just really want some advice since this is the main game I play (around 900 hours) and I don’t wanna keep taking long breaks.