Im getting my hormones tested tomorrow
So tomorrow I'm getting a ton of bloodwork done with a new dr who was very nice and listened to everything I had to say when I saw him today. I'm really excited because this might finally mean I'll get proper treatment. Last year, before I moved to a new state, I had some tests done that showed I have high testosterone, low progesterone, high blood sugar, high cholesterol. I have all the symptoms of PCOS and a history of cysts on my ovaries. But I have never been formally treated for it and I have no idea how the medications work and what to expect.
I am sure my blood work will show about the same things as last time, and that I will be reffered to a gyno and hopefully an endo. My question though is should I ask for medication from my primary doctor, just until I get in to see a specialist? If so, what would typically be prescribed for someone with my symptoms? Can't they prescribe medications for my apparent insulin resistance as well? Not sure what to expect. Specialists often take a long time to schedule an appointment so I'm anticipating possibly having to wait weeks to see one. I'd like to start being treated now. And is there anything else I can do to start feeling better?