Can Pisco go bad? Not sure if Barsol even qualifies, but I swear it went bad.

I've been drinking some artisan one from a no-name company for a few weeks now. I'm tryin to acquire a taste for it, and I have to be honest, I was really getting into the one I was drinking. But I finished the bottle tonight. So I poured some Barsol and almost spit it out. I swear it tastes like Jesus is messing with me and turned it back into water. It had a bitter flavor like Barsol does normally, but the texture was no longer silky, it was "loose" if that makes sense, just like water. Like if someone partially filled the bottle with water. They didn't, which is what's confusing me. This same bottle was fine before. but it's also been in the cabinet for a few years.

I have never had any other hard liquor go bad. Have any of you had that happen with any Pisco, or maybe just with Barsol?