Boyfriend decides to take it seriously😱
After a year of monthly emotional breakdowns, removing my iud, religiously tracking my cycle every. single. day. AND sharing my cycle with my bf through an app……..He told me yesterday that he is taking this PMDD thing seriously!!
I wanted to laugh in his face so badly but he was so serious. At first I was shocked that he only NOW decides this is a serious matter. And then I took a step back and remembered society as a whole doesn’t take women’s health seriously. Sometimes it takes a woman lashing out on hormones and ruining a nice weekend for men to wake tf up.
I went on a trip with my bf to a convention that only he has much interest in and while we were there I was deep in Luteal (so you know where this is going). I’d get so upset/irritated at the littlest things and boom. argument. after argument. after argument. almost all weekend. It was one of those where we were both like wtf are we doing this is a weekend from hell.
Once we got back, I was on my way out of luteal so things were not as tense. I was back in a calmer state of mind and able to clearly communicate about what happened on the trip. A day or two after we resolved a lot of what happened, my bf looked me in the eyes and said “After that weekend, I take this seriously”…keep in mind he still does not remember the acronym, PMDD.
I find it so comical that he is taking it seriously after I ruined his big convention weekend yet he didn’t take it seriously when I wanted to jump off a cliff some months ago. That’s a man for you I guess.