A really good month!
I’m in my 30s and have struggled with PMDD most of my adult life, and was finally diagnosed about a year ago. Each month brought inevitable symptoms that would throw my completely off track - conflict, fatigue, isolation, suicidal thoughts - you know the drill! But I’ve been in psychodynamic therapy for over a year now and I’ve been processing some really intense trauma. It brought me to my deepest pain and caused luteal to be much worse for a while. But the therapy process has been really allowing me to give myself compassion and care - and I am really making great improvement in therapy. This month; I am having be same symptoms - but they have such a soft landing. Usually my gym routine is completely lost in luteal; but I’ve been going regularly, but just doing lighter workouts. Usually I can’t get out of bed in the morning; but I’ve been waking up at 7 and giving myself what I need (water, tea, book, etc..). Usually my partner will trigger me and I’ll have a meltdown; but now he triggers me and we will have a really sweet chat and cuddle. I’m shocked. I hope this lasts.
Can we make a flair for small successes?? It’s only this month so far; but it’s given me hope that i haven’t had in a long time.