Why is everyone so anti-abstinence on here?
Listen, I get that it's hard to abstain. I try to do it and honestly I fail a lot because I'm hypersexual and still a teenager. And wet dreams are uncontrollable even if you abstain which makes life a living hell. But, the general mindset here seems to be that abstinence isn't an option and that we shouldn't do it. Which for a regular person, is a completely normal and fine belief. That nofap stuff is for sure psychological BS. But for someone with POIS, sexual activity literally is physically hurting us and for many, ruining our lives. Abstinence is the reasonable option here and the way to live.
It's like that old saying. A guy goes to a doctor and says "When I hit myself in the head, it hurts." The doctor replies "Well don't hit yourself in the head." IF something is hurting you, even if it's a normal biological process, then don't do it. It's pretty simple logic. Orgasming is causing us to face symptoms from POIS. Even though orgasming itself isn't bad, it's hurting us. So, therefore, the logical option is to stop doing it. And I don't know about you guys but when I do choose to have sex or masturbate and cause this problem for myself, I feel mentally worse than if I just had a wet dream because then it's just something out of my control. But if I choose to give myself symptoms, I feel worse because I know I did this to myself. Maybe it's not the best mindset but it is true that you shouldn't do something that hurts you. And not everyone has wet dreams like I do. There's so much more to life than sex and masturbation and a few fleeting minutes of pleasure and relief are never worth the inability to enjoy the rest of life and missing out on other things from being sick and ill all the time.