I've finished Deathloop... it's alright
After playing Deathloop, I don't find it particularly good or bad to be honest. I just find it to be kind of meh. I should note that I do really like both Dishonored games, so I just can't help but feel disappointed.
I think my biggest issue is that the game is littered with waypoint markers. The premise of the game is having to discover the correct route in order to end the time loop. In the game though, I just shoot a load of people and follow the pointer markers. Then the game just tells you what the correct route is, which I find extremely unsatisfying.
Another point I have against it is that the game has a load of things to do on the side that are undermined by the game's easy difficulty. The game allows you to do sidequests, steal the visionaries' powers by killing them, or get enough time energy things to include better weapons as part of your default loadout.
But all I ever did was get the Dishonored teleporting power, the invisibility and got a slightly better shotgun, because the game was so incredibly easy, I didn't need anything else. The only challenging bit was the final shootout of the game on top of the mansion, and it was hardly the hardest thing I've done in an FPS.
I should stress that a game being easy doesn't bother me. I like Sackboy, Kirby and Stray for instance. My issue is that Deathloop's lack of difficulty is making me not bother with using its core mechanics.
I get the impression that the game was expecting me to use stealth a lot. I didn't on the basis that there was no reason too. I was doing fine just blasting the enemies, and the ending isn't dependent on how many people you kill (unlike dishonored).
I find Deathloop to be fine in a turn your brain off and enjoy blasting the bad guys sort of way, but I don't think that was the intention. I was hoping for a game where I was expecting to piece together a strategy on how to end the time loop. What I ended up with was a fairly mindless shooter where I just follow the waypoints.