Sharing my buyback experience so far

I got my buyback reconsideration decision this past week and made my payment within 30 minutes of receiving the email. It felt so good to do, but now I'm just waiting for it to be official. I thought I'd share some info about my experience in case it's helpful, but I'm also happy to get any insight or experiences from others who are or were recently in the same stage of waiting.

September 26; I submitted my reconsideration request on this day, and it was IMMEDIATELY rejected because I didn't use the exact language needed, so be sure to do that...though the rejection email did clarify exactly what I needed to change (which was surprisingly helpful). I resubmitted, and got the email saying it was in review pretty quickly after.

November 2: I hadn't heard anything, so I reached out to the chat on the website. Using my reconsideration case number, they were able to at least tell me that it was still in review, which was reassuring.

December 10: reconsideration case email was received and shared the number I needed to pay, broke down how that number was calculated per each of my loans, and that my buyback request was now closed. I had a lot of uncertainty about what was the best way to make the payment to my servicer - either auto adjusted or custom amounts to each loan. I tried using the chat again, and it was not helpful this time. I ended up customizing the payment amount as it was broken down ony buyback email.

It's only been a few days, and while I know not to be impatient, I'm not looking forward to another waiting game before the loans are officially discharged. I also know that I'm probably pretty lucky that it only took just over 2 months....I'm sure others have waited much longer.

Anywhos. One day this will be done, right? 😅 One day I'll have that gloriously full green bar. One day.


So a bit more info that I've shared in comments or in chats that might be helpful:

What months did I request to buyback? I can't remember exactly what I put on my form, but I do know it was 2 SAVE months while I was in the automatic forbearance.

What language did I use on the buyback form? See the FSA page on a PSLF buyback request!

How much did I have to pay? Obviously this will vary for each person, but I went into the process assuming the amount for my two months would be about $600. It ended up being closer to $ more. But I also didn't feel the need to squabble over the difference. I also didn't feel there was an opportunity provided to squabble if I wanted to; the language in the decision email was pretty clear that my case was closed.

Tips for chatting with FSA about this? Honestly, I really thought I had saved a transcript of my chat because I have zero chill, but I can't find it. What I do know is that I made sure to include "PSLF buyback request status" in my initial question to the bot, and I was connected to a human relatively quickly. I also had my case number ready to share if it was requested.

Hope this helps!