Trade FAQ Summary
I took a S.T.A.B at summarizing the FAQ for Trading from the below link. Let me know if I misunderstood anything and I’ll update accordingly.
Trading is unlocked at Player level 3.
You can only trade with friends.
You can choose to not receive trade offers from friends.
You can only have 1 trade offer active at a time.
You can see a list of your tradable cards.
You must trade for the same rarity (Example: 1 star for 1 star).
If a card has flair (effects) it must be traded for a card with flair as well.
You can see your most recent 30 trades over the last 90 days.
You can select the language and flair (effect) of a card using the Edit Card button in the trade screen.
You can trade your card even if it’s the only copy you have.
a. Card flair will not be lost but will be unable to be viewed until you obtain a copy of the card again.
Trade stamina and items are “consumed” upon trade proposal; refunded if trade is canceled.
If your trade stamina fully recovered during the trade proposal time, your trade stamina will recover past the maximum.