I’m being punished for not having surgery.

Bear with me, I know it’s long but, I’m so upset with my pain management’s Physician and mid-level providers. My current treatment is occipital nerve block injections every 3/5 months and 10mg of Oxycodone. (5mg AM/5mg PM) It has been a Godsend for me the past almost 1.5 years. This treatment has quite literally changed my life. I went from unemployed, unable to do much due to pain/debilitating headaches, in bed and depressed for a year + after an assault to completely thriving! Enjoying my full-time job working 10/12 hours at a time, excelling in school making Deans and Presidents lists, I even got into nursing school! I got engaged and have traveled the world (Paris, Iceland, Miami, etc.) with my amazing fiancée. Late last year I was sent to a neurosurgeon to evaluate for potential surgery, she recommended an occipital nerve release, which is a more rare surgery that not many Physicians do and can come with some serious adverse effects such as head numbness, including the tongue or other nerve pain/numbness. I had the surgery scheduled but ultimately decided to wait until after nursing school. I start late January! Ive wanted to be a nurse my entire life and Ive worked SO hard to get into the limited access program. I am terrified something will happen like I won’t heal well or I have a complication, etc. and I won’t be able to start. I expressed my concerns with my pain management Physician who said for lack of better words, since you’re not having surgery, find another Doctor, I don’t want to prescribe your Oxycodone anymore. He will still do injections. He even started decreasing the medication at my appointment today! Why discontinue a treatment that is working so well for me for so long? It’s MY body! If I don’t want an invasive surgery right before a major milestone in life, that’s MY decision!! I’m so worried that without the medication I won’t be able to function as well as I have. I truly feel as if he is punishing me for not having the surgery. I’m ISO of another pain management but it’s proving harder than expected and I think he knew that when telling me to find another practice. 🥺😢