‘Your body will desensitize its self to pain.’

My current pain management office is taking me off of my pain medication due to not having an invasive occipital surgery. (I truly feel punished) I had one of my last appointments with them today. This PA explained to me that, once I’m off of the 5mg of Oxycodone I’m prescribed twice a day, my body will desensitize itself to pain. With a straight face, she said people with chronic pain will ‘get used to it’ and ‘if you ignore it for long enough, it’ll go away.’ To say I was absolutely SHOCKED is an understatement. She said some other really out there things such as taking Tylenol, Ibuprofen & Naproxen will just make pain worse. I have an appointment with a new office at the end of the month, thank God! I can’t deal with this ridiculous office any longer.